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Bleeding Edge TV 374: Intonow for iPhone is like Shazam for TV

IntoNow is a free app for the iPhone that allows you to connect with your friends around the shows you love. Simply place your iPhone in front of the TV, and IntoNow uses it's SoundPrint technology to recognize whatever you're watching. Once your show or movie is tagged, you can see how many other people are watching, share it with your friends, review it on IMDB, add it to your Netflix queue, and buy or rent it on iTunes. 

IntoNow's SoundPrint technology covers more than 140 million minutes of previously aired shows, or the equivalent of 266 years of video. It can recognize a show even if it's airing live for the first time. SoundPrint has an index of "more than 2.6 million airings, indexed during the past five years, and it’s growing by the second." They describe SoundPrint as a “fingerprinting” technology; a series of algorithms that can quickly identify a show based on the audio. They've has even made a SoundPrint API available for developers, so look for more applications to come out using SoundPrint technology. 

Internet-connected social TV is becoming the new trend in technology, and data is showing that Americans are using TV and Internet together on an increasing basis. Google and Apple have launched their own internet connected set top boxes, and companies like Comcast and TiVo are major players as well. The future of social television looks very promising, and soon we'll all be "checking in" to our favorite TV shows on a regular basis, using awesome technology like IntoNow and SoundPrint, or other social apps like GetGlue.

Check out a demo of Intonow's social TV app in this episode.

How many times do you catch yourself watching tv while you're on the internet?

Big thank you to JackThreads for sponsoring the show - be sure to check them out, we've got exclusive invite codes that give you $5 to use towards anything you'd like.


iOS 4.3 beta 3 released to developers

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Software,

iOS 4.3 beta 3 8f5166b

iOS devs, time to get to downloading, as Apple has just released iOS 4.3 beta 3 alongside the iOS SDK 4.3. Downloads are available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and even the 2nd generation Apple TV. The SDK build is 10M2514, while the software for the devices is build 8F5166b. From the looks of things, this beta is all about checking and testing AirPlay video with the iOS devices and Apple TV. We will keep our eye out for any other new hotness in this build.

The future of Apple’s NFC mobile payment strategy

Posted by Reza Malayeri Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Editorial, Rumors,

iBankApple NFC payment system

There is no question that mobile phone payments are very popular, and that many of us can operate our entire financial lives from our mobile phones. Apps from PayPal, and Square can turn our iPhones into portable financial centers, allowing us to exchange money quickly and easily. These new applications are creating opportunities and benefits that will shape the future of mobile payments.

Predictions about the iPhone 5 and the iPad 2 are beginning to heat up, and much of the talk has been about the implementation of NFC (near field communication) technology. What we haven't heard about so far, is anything about native intergration of mobile payment solutions from Apple and Google.

Click to continue reading The future of Apple’s NFC mobile payment strategy

iOS 4.3 beta 2 now available

ios 4.3 beta 1

iOS devs, time to get to downloading, as Apple has just released iOS 4.3 beta 2 alongside the iOS SDK 4.3. Downloads are available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and even the 2nd generation Apple TV. The SDK build is 10M2508a, while the software for the devices is build 8F5153d. From the looks of things, this beta is all about checking and testing AirPlay video with the iOS devices and Apple TV. We will keep our eye out for any other new hotness in this build.

iOS 4.3 beta now available, drops support for iPhone 3G, iPod touch 2

ios 4.3 beta 1

iOS devs, time to get to downloading, as Apple has just released iOS 4.3 beta alongside the iOS SDK 4.3. Downloads are available for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and even the 2nd generation Apple TV. The SDK build is 10M2508, while the software for the devices is build 8F5148b. From the looks of things, this beta is all about checking and testing AirPlay video with the iOS devices and Apple TV. We will keep our eye out for anything else in the beta, since it's interesting that the Verizon iPhone was running version 4.2.5 with mobile hotspot. You'd think 4.3 would incorporate those features as well.

Users of the iPhone 3G or second generation iPod touch need not apply, as 4.3 isn't compatible with those devices. iOS 4.3 also brings new four- and five-finger multi-touch gestures to the iPad.

Angry Birds on the PS3 and PSP this week

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Casual, PlayStation 3, PSP, Puzzle, Wii, Xbox 360,

angry birds ps3 psp

The PlayStation Blog tells us that one of the most popular iOS game is coming to the PS3 and PSP this week. Angry Birds will feature 63 levels and be playable on the console. Classified as a 'mini' game, this means that it will likely not be on the scale of a full console release, and instead most likely look a lot like its iOS counterpart. Still, while many developers port console or PC games to the iPhone, this is a rare case of the reverse, where after being so immensely popular on Apple's platform, they are now expanding to other systems. Rovio, the company behind Angry Birds, announced that we will see the game on Xbox 360 and Wii soon also.

Read More | PlayStation blog

EA iPhone and iPad games sale: 99 cents!

ea app sale

'Sup holidays? It's nice to see you.  Although, I personally couldn't care less about Santa or gifts under the tree (okay, totally lying about the gifts part,) I'm all about free and cheap. This is why I want to kiss EA in the mouth, mistletoe optional. As a promotion for this special time of the year, EA is offering some of their top games on iTunes for only 99 cents. Yes. CENTS. Now is the time to buy yourself some goodies for being good this year--and hey, if you're expecting an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to be yours on Christmas morning, there's nothing stopping you from stocking up on these apps right now!

View the list of games and links to iTunes after the jump.


Click to continue reading EA iPhone and iPad games sale: 99 cents!

Read More | EA Apps

Free iPhone 3GS at Best Buy today, in-store only

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Hot Deals,

free iphone 3gs best buy

Best Buy is giving away free 8GB iPhone 3GS smartphones to customers today. Supplies are limited, and you can only get the deal in-store with two-year new or upgrade activation. Sure, the iPhone 3GS is a year-and-a-half old, but this is the first time we've seen any iPhone given away free with contract. With the holidays and all, you can certainly bet that any teens in your household would love to unwrap this one on Christmas morning. Speaking of which, be sure to peep our 2010 Holiday Gift Guide!

Mac App Store to launch without Game Center, in-app purchases

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Apple, Rumors, Software,

Back in October, Steve Jobs explained in length how the iOS successes that Apple is enjoying have convinced them to incorporate it back to the Mac platform, and the first piece of that is the  an introduction of an App Store in OS X. Promising that the Mac App Store would be live within 90 days, this puts it at some point in January at the latest. Now, Apple is informing developers that some expected features will not be available for Mac OS apps. Namely, in-app purchases, and Game Center. This means that desktop applications will not have access to these features which have started to be common in iOS devices. Whether this is due to a delay on Apple's part, or they simply do not intend to provide these features on the Mac, is unknown as of yet.

Read More | 9 to 5 Mac

Android phones overtake Symbian in Asia

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Smartphones, Google, Software,

android beats symbian asia

It's no secret that Android phones are growing in popularity at an amazing rate, with new phones being introduced all the time. In North America, it's already the most popular smartphone platform, beating out iOS and Blackberry. However, in the rest of the world, it's a different story. Phones based on the Symbian system rule the market, but Symbian marketshare has been going down steadily. This week, the research firm GfK reports that in the third quarter, Android overtook Symbian for the first time in Asia.

According to the firm: "Our Q3 report shows that Android has recently overtaken Symbian as the most popular smartphone OS in the context of Asia as a whole, in both value and unit sales. However, it is interesting to note the difference in OS trends when we look at findings in North and Southeast Asia separately."

Definitely nice to see that the mobile OS competition is heating up across the globe.

Read More | GfK
